

    李淑一,女,工学博士,副教授,硕士生/博士生导师。长期从事多功能表/界面的正规赌博平台设计与调控研究工作,入选人社部“博新计划”(2018年),入选吉林省高层次人才(2023年),入选吉林省高校优秀科技创新人才储备库(2023年),主持国家自然科学基金、省部级项目、博士后科学基金等项目共计6项,参与国家自然科学基金项目4项。发表SCI检索论文50余篇,授权发明专利10余项。研究工作发表正规赌博平台在J. Hazard. Mater.、Chem. Eng. J.、Corros. Sci.、J. Colloid. Interf. Sci.等领域TOP期刊,2篇入选ESI全球高被引论文。








    1) 正规赌博平台抗菌防污自清洁材料的设计与研究;

    2) 正规赌博平台膜分离材料的设计与研究;

    3) 正规赌博平台功能检测表面的设计与研究。






    [1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,正规赌博平台各向异性润湿梯度表面的制备及其可视化检测机制,2022.01-2024.12,项目负责人

    [2] 国家自然科学基金吉林省联合基金重点项目,汗液检测正规赌博平台柔性器件结构材料协同机制,2023.01-2026.12,子课题负责人

    [3] 吉林省科技厅自然科学项目,正规赌博平台智能润湿性表面的抗菌防黏附功能协同机制研究,2021.07-2024.06,项目负责人

    [4] 吉林省教育厅正规赌博平台项目,基于各向异性的超疏水智能调控表面的定向输运机制,2021.01-2022.12,项目负责人

    [5] 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目,2019.01-2020.12,项目负责人

    [6] 人社部博士后创新人才支持计划基金项目,2018.06-2020.06,项目负责人


    [1] Z.P. Fang, Z.M. Guo, Y.Y. Fan, S.Y. Li *, Z.W. Han, Y. Liu *. Large-scale preparation of a versatile bioinspired sponge with physic-mechanochemical robustness for multitasking separation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 435, 128902. (IF:13.4,中科院1区TOP)

    [2] Y.Y. Fan, S.Y. Li*, D.S. Wei, J.M. Hou, Z.P. Fang, Z.W. Han, Y. Liu *. Flexible bioinspired PDMS-paper based surface with hybrid wettability for droplet collection and detection. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2022, 170, 106988.(IF:6.2,中科院1区)

    [3] S.Y. Li, Y. Liu*, Z.H. Zheng, X. Liu, H.L. Huang, Z.W. Han, L.Q. Ren. Biomimetic robust superhydrophobic stainless-steel surfaces with antimicrobial activity and molecular dynamics simulation. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 372, 852-861. (IF:15.1,中科院1区TOP)

    [4] S.Y. Li, Y. Liu*, Z.Z. Tian, X. Liu, Z.W. Han, L.Q. Ren. Biomimetic superhydrophobic and antibacterial stainless-steel mesh via double-potentiostatic electrodeposition and modification. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2020, 403, 126355. (IF:5.4,中科院1区TOP)

    [5] C. Chen, H.Yao, S.J. Guo, Z.L. Lao, Y.D. Xu, S.Y. Li, S.Z. Wu. Ultra-robust joule-heated superhydrophobic smart window: dually-switching droplets adhesion and transparency via in situ electric-actuated reconfigurable shape-memory shutters. Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 2210495. (IF:19,中科院1区TOP)

    [6] S.Y. Li, Z.Y. Song*, Y.Y. Fan, D.S. Wei, C.C. Liao, C.Y. Du, X.X. Yan, Z.W. Han, Y. Liu*. 3D printing of magnetically responsive superhydrophobic porous membranes with on-demand oil-absorption property. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2024, 682, 132965. (IF: 5.2,中科院2区)

    [7] Y.Y. Fan, S.Y. Li*, Z.P. Fang, D.S. Wei, X.L. Li, Y. Liu*. Bionic magnetic superhydrophobic and patterned surfaces for droplet programmable manipulation. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2024, 684, 133119.  (IF: 5.2,中科院2区)

    [8] S.Y. Li, Z.Y. Song*, Y.Y. Fan, D.S. Wei, Y. Liu*. Four-Dimensional Printing of Temperature-Responsive Liquid Crystal Elastomers with Programmable Shape-Changing Behavior. Biomimetics 2023, 8(2), 196. (IF: 4.5)

    [9] S.Y. Li, C.K. Xie, W.L. Zhang, D.S. Wei, Z.H. Zheng, Y. Liu *. Multifunctional fluorine-free superhydrophobic coating with flame-retardant, anti-icing, anti-corrosion, and oil-water separation properties. Biosurface and Biotribology, 2022, 8(1), 23-33.

    [10] S.Y. Li, Y.Y. Fan, Y. Liu*, S.C. Niu, Z.W. Han, L.Q. Ren. Smart bionic surfaces with switchable wettability and applications. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2021, 18 (3), 473-500(IF: 4.0)

    [11] S.Y. Li, J. Liu, Y. Liu*, B. Zhan, Z.W. Han, L.Q. Ren. pH-responsive smart superwetting Fe foam for efficient in situ on-demand oil/water separation. Journal of Materials Science, 2021, 56, 13372-13385(IF: 4.5)

    [12] Y.Y. Fan, S.Y. Li,* D.S. Wei, Z.P. Fang, Z.W. Han, Y. Liu*. Bioinspired superhydrophobic cilia for droplets transportation and microchemical reaction. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2021, 2101408. (IF: 6.2)

    [13] Y. Liu, S.Y. Li, S.C. Niu, X.W. Cao, Z.W. Han, L.Q. Ren. Bio-inspired micro-nano structured surface with structural color and anisotropic wettability on Cu substrate. Applied Surface Science 2016, 379, 230-237. (中科院1区TOP)

    [14] Y. Liu*, S.Y. Li, Y.M. Wang, H.Y. Wang, K. Gao, Z.W. Han, L.Q. Ren. Superhydrophobic and superoleophobic surface by electrodeposition on magnesium alloy substrate: Wettability and corrosion inhibition. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2016, 478, 164-171. (中科院1区TOP)

    [15] Y. Liu*, S.Y. Li, J.J. Zhang, J.A. Liu, Z.W. Han, L.Q. Ren. Corrosion inhibition of biomimetic super-hydrophobic electrodeposition coatings on copper substrate. Corrosion Science 2015, 94: 190-196. (中科院1区TOP)

    [16] Y. Liu*, S.Y. Li, J.J. Zhang, Y.M. Wang, Z.W. Han, L.Q. Ren. Fabrication of biomimetic superhydrophobic surface with controlled adhesion by electrodeposition. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 248, 440-447. (中科院1区TOP)


    [1] 刘燕, 张文良, 郑再航, 李淑一, 魏冬松, 韩志武。一种不锈钢基底上抗菌超疏水正规赌博平台表面的制备方法,ZL 202210214846.X

    [2] 刘燕,田壮壮,李淑一,刘庆萍,韩志武,任露泉。一种用于挤出3D打印的纤维增强金属基复合材料的料浆及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 2020 1 1130158.2

    [3] 刘燕,李淑一,李鑫林,姜昊伯,韩志武,任露泉。 一种基于生物耦合机制的金属基润湿表面结构设计方法,专利号: ZL 201710093111.5

    [5] 刘燕,李淑一,张开腾,姚文广,韩志武,任露泉。一种铜基底上彩虹色超疏水正规赌博平台表面的制备方法. 授权号:ZL20141059095.2

    [4] 刘燕,李鑫林,李淑一,高涵鹏,韩志武,任露泉。一种正规赌博平台耦合集水铝合金防冰表面的制备方法,专利号:ZL 201910547266.0

    作者:李淑一  编辑:王雪莹  (点击: )


